《共生之網》 Symbiosis Network
創作年份: 2024
尺寸:高300公分 × 寬425公分 × 深195公分
Artist: Pu Chen (Black and Blue Cosmos)
Year: 2024
Medium: Resin
Dimension: H300 × W425 ×D195cm
Maintenance: Toucheng Township Office
Statement: Symbiosis Network draws inspiration from set net fishing grounds, which are largely seen as art installations on the sea as well as being one of the world’s sustainable fishing practices. It blends the distinctive marine aesthetics and land landscapes through visual art to present a unique artistic style. Shi-Cheng in its early days used to have a “dual-headed falling net” approach, which, over time, had gradually faded out of practice due to certain geographical factors and now occupies a special place in the history of Shi-Cheng’s fishing industry.
Nestling against the mountains and seas, Shi-Cheng is a community boasting of abundant marine resources. This art installation fuses the land and the sea, while connecting with the community to form an ecological network embedded in art narratives. It closely links the community and nature for the folks to forge a deeper rapport with natural environments through artworks.
位置:石城社區活動中心 戶外景觀平台
地址:宜蘭縣頭城鎮石城里(路)40-8號 🚩
《天·海·人--人在天與海之間》 Sky・Sea・People ———We are in between the sky and sea
《海面的雲朵》 Clouds Over the Sea