《粼光記憶》 SparklingMemory
作者: 陳泳丞
材質: 316不鏽鋼
尺寸:長約238公分、寬約245公分、 高約150公分
Artist: Chen Yong Cheng
Year: 2024
Medium: 316 Stainless Steel
Dimension: W238 x D245 x H150cm
Maintenance: Business and Tourism Department, Yilan County Government
Statement: In ancient Waiao, one of the representative traditional fishing techniques was "Qian-gu," which symbolizes the local people's spirit of teamwork in surviving in nature. As time passed, the community embraced new lifestyles and found harmony with nature through activities such as surfing and whale watching. Inspired by "Qian-gu," the artist created a diamond-shaped mesh surface from stainless steel to simulate the rhythmic movements of nature. Through reflections of light and the surrounding, the artwork captures the colors and moments of the present.
位置:蘭博烏石港驛站 Lanyang Museum Sushi Harbor Ecology Station
地址:宜蘭縣頭城鎮烏石港路15之30號 🚩
《大里裝置藝術作品》Da Li Sparking
《天·海·人--人在天與海之間》 Sky・Sea・People ———We are in between the sky and sea
《海面的雲朵》 Clouds Over the Sea
《共生之網》 Symbiosis Network